Tagged Hennessy

hennessy8 cognac arik levy decanter 2

Cognac gets a rap | Sipping on status | house of spirits

Charisma and character - and just a little bit game-changing. Action!

  From the princes of rap to titans of industry, Cognac confers status. To mark the launch of the Hennessy 8 limited edition, Susan Skelly clinked glasses with brand ambassador Maurice-Richard Hennessy. When it comes to symbolism, this year’s limited edition Hennessy 8 Cognac is all but drowning in it. First there is the liquid…

Hennessy Paradis Cognac

Cognac gets a good rap |Why Hip Hop loves Hennessy

Charisma and character - and just a little bit game-changing. Action!

The French call it the water of life and both traditionalists and hip hop arrivistes have irons in the fire at the Cognac club. On a wintry night seeking a slow flame, Sydney’s Hemmesphere nightclub is abuzz with suits, spray tans, short, short dresses and those with a nose for both eaux-de-vie – the building…

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