Hollywood starlet Cyd Charisse was known as “the girl with the million-dollar pins who danced rings around Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire”. So it’s apt that this million-dollar ring by Australian jeweller Mondial Pink Diamond Atelier is named after her (with a happy nod to the colour cerise).
The dancer died in 2008, the year Mondial’s Michael Neuman first clapped eyes on its pink diamond centrepiece at the annual Argyle Pink Diamond Tender.
He had to cool his heels for a few years, when the chance came up again to buy it. The .89 carat diamond, a rich deep purplish pink, bordering on red, had its first outing in 2012 as the star of the intricate gum leaf “Blossom Brooch” designed by his sister Nadia Neuman, and made for an exhibition, Out of The Vault – Pink Diamonds and Royalty, at Kensington Palace to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Other Australian pink diamonds specialists showing there included Calleija and Linneys.
Back home, Charisse high-kicked her way to a dazzling engagement ring: surrounded by eight oval diamonds, eight pinks, and 14 baby pinks (there’s as much work in the under gallery as upfront) and some elegant scrollwork. It’s price tag A$1.1m.
“I use Charisse as the pink diamond benchmark now,” says Michael Neuman. “It’s truly the best in its class, for size, colour and clarity.”
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